Guadalupe Great White Shark 1

Guadalupe Great White Shark 1

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I recently returned from my second trip to remote Guadalupe Island to photograph great white sharks. Guadalupe is located in the eastern Pacific Ocean 180 miles west of the central Baja Peninisula. I first visited Guadalupe in 2002, shortly after my first daughter was born. Maddy is now 6 and in 1st grade. Time flies. I was hoping to greatly improve my coverage by joining a 7 day trip, which would allow me 5 full days at the island. The weather and sharks did not cooperate as much as I was hoping they would. Most of my better images were taken on the first day at the island, including this one. Please visit more of my Great White Shark Photography.

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Humpback Whales Bubble Feeding 59

2008 International Conservation Photography Awards

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One of my most spectacular images of humpback whales bubble-feeding in Southeast Alaska is included in the 2008 International Conservation Photography Awards exhibit at the MOHAI in Seattle, WA. The exhibit has gone by several different names over the years but it’s main sponsor has always been Art Wolfe. I’m friends with Art and talked to him the night of the exhibit about the direction the ICPA was taking in the years ahead. The next competition will not be until 2010, and it will go on display at the Burke Museum at the UW in Seattle. It is getting harder to get an image into the exhibit as the competition is getting much tougher. I still feel proud that I was able to be part of it. Please visit more of my humpback whale photography.

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Humpback Whale 2

Alaska Airlines Magazine September 2008

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If you happen to be on an Alaska Airlines flight this month, take a look at the in-flight magazine and the feature on Hawaii. This recent image from an encounter with a humpback whale is featured in the article. This large male came incredibly close to me, with his pectoral fin coming within a foot of my camera moments after this images was taken! Please visit more of my Humpback Whale Photography.

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Fern Harbor Sea Otter 5

Fern Harbor Sea Otter 5

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I spent 2 very wet days following an incredibly friendly sea otter around a bay that I was anchored in on the outer coast of Glacier Bay National Park. I have never had any luck getting within 100 yards of a sea otter, let alone take it’s picture. The moms and babies especially want nothing to do with me. But this little guy was a whole different story. When I first found him, he did not react and swim away, rather he just continued his swimming and feeding routine. I spent about 8 hours 2 days in a row following him around and observing his behavior. He was so incredibly cute and tolerant of my presence. This is one of my favorite images of him scratching his head with the beautiful green forest reflection all around him. Please visit more of my Sea Otter Photography.

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Fern Harbor Sea Otter 14

Fern Harbor Sea Otter 14

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Every time that this sea otter went to the far end of the bay at low tide, he would drop down to the bottom and grab 2 crabs to eat. He must have eaten 20-30 crabs in an hour. It was very cool watching him, and he could have cared less about my inflatable following him around all day. Please visit more of my Sea Otter Photography.

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Fern Harbor Sea Otter 1

Fern Harbor Sea Otter 1

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This is just a nice simple composition with an incredibly cute subject. It was an incredible experience to be able to spend so much time photographing this male sea otter over several rainy days. Please visit more of my Sea Otter Photography.

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Tracy Arm Harbor Seal 28

Tracy Arm Harbor Seal 28

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I visited Tracy Arm for the first time in 2007. I had wanted to try and photograph the harbor seals and their babies on the ice flows, but was not successful. I knew that I would have to come back and spend more time, as well as figure out how to get closer without spooking them. I thought about it all winter and new that I was going to have to conceal my red inflatable in order to use it as a blind. I bought a couple of white shower curtains that I cut in half and used to cover my boat’s tubes. The other thing I did was I let the wind blow me in the right direction while laying down on my boat’s floorboards. My plan worked exceptionally well this time and I was able to capture some very beautiful portraits of the harbor seals without disturbing them. Please visit more of my Harbor Seal Photography.

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Tracy Arm Harbor Seal 3

Tracy Arm Harbor Seal 3

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This mother harbor seal was very tolerant of my somewhat concealed presence. I must have looked very funny and out of place. I was a big white thing floating by like any other iceberg, but with my big lens held up to my face. This mom kept glancing in my direction, but couldn’t figure out what I was, and not feeling threatened, she went back to resting with her newborn baby. Note the umbilical cord on the baby’s stomache. Please visit more of my Harbor Seal Photography.

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Tracy Arm Harbor Seal 43

Tracy Arm Harbor Seal 43

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This is one of the most relaxed images of a mother harbor seal that I photographed. She could tell that something was unusual about the iceberg that I was appearing to be as I floated by her, but again, she was relaxed the whole time and went back to resting with her newborn. Please visit more of my Harbor Seal Photography.

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Tracy Arm Bald Eagles on Iceberg

Tracy Arm Bald Eagles on Iceberg

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Eagles are surprisingly difficult to get close to in the wild. Sure, I have been only a few feet away from them on a boat dock while someone was cutting up a salmon, but to get close to them in a more natural setting is very difficult. They spook very easy, and when I am on the water, they can see me coming from a long way away. These 2 posed long enough for me to get a few shots with the nice blurred mountain background before they too took flight. Please visit more of my Bald Eagle Photography.

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