Fords Terror Mist

Fords Terror Mist

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I find Southeast Alaska to be incredibly frustrating for landscape photography. I like sunrise/sunset images, and you basically do not get any up there. I find it very hard to photographically convey the heavy overcast rainy days that are so common. However, I feel like I have done a good job with this image. I visited Fords Terror 3 different days and finally got the right conditions of a lot of clouds and rain. I used my inflatable to cover the 25 miles from where my boat was anchored to Fords Terror. I wore every layer of clothes that I own, and used my new secret weapon for Southeast, plastic rain gear. Forget wearing Gore-tex up there. Fords Terror is one of my favorite places that I have visited in Southeast. The cliffs surrounding it and waterfalls everywhere you look is just spectacular scenery. Please visit more of my Southeast Alaska Photography.

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