Yosemite Falls Reflection 1
Posted onI just got back from a relaxing week in CA shooting with a few friends in Yosemite and Big Sur, visiting a friend in the Bay Area, and then attending an old college buddy’s wedding at Disneyland. Did I mention that CA is way too crowded for me?
This is a nice reflection image that I took early one morning of Yosemite Falls from the meadows in the Valley. It was a beautiful spot without any other photographers around. You might notice that this image is larger than what I typically post on my site. I’ve had a lot of requests for larger images, so I intend to redo my entire site this year with larger images that will also have a watermark on them again, since I have been having some problems lately with people using my website images for commercial purposes without my permission. I am also working on updating my blog to a WordPress blog that will have a lot more features like search-ability, SEO, and RSS feeds in the next couple of weeks.