Mobius Arch Incredible Sunrise 1

Mobius Arch Incredible Sunrise 1

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Here it is!  My “epic” sunrise image of Mobius Arch, created last week in California’s Alabama Hills. I spent over 1 hour photographing this arch as the color of the sunrise light intensified from pink to yellow and the clouds swirled in different textures. This was the most dramatic sunrise that I have witnessed from this location. I had visited Mobius Arch a half dozen times over the last 10 years hoping to create an image more dramatic than the typical one involving blue sky. I am happy that my persistence finally paid off with this incredible opportunity.

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7 thoughts on “Mobius Arch Incredible Sunrise 1

  1. Your perseverance paid off in spades, Jon. This is outstanding. One of the very best images I’ve seen from this location, actually. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. You nailed it!

  3. Congratulations Jon! Great shot.


  4. Wow – I can’t believe you took this with your iPhone! ;^D (kidding, of course…)

    Beautiful image, Jon – I bet it would look great printed large!

    – Jack

  5. What a gorgeous capture! Great to know when your research and time pays off well:) Looking for a workshop of yours in Northern CA. Let me know when and I’m there. (unless of course–I have to be working!)


  6. Jon,
    A very well composed image. The contrast between the smooth rock surface and distant rugged mountains is a wonderful juxtapostion. And that light is gentle and beautiful. Its just well thought out and simple, which gives it some strength. I’d be happy with that one. The sky and color means so much in this shot. And the gamble of sunrise is that you have to be there before any light or color appears, and most people don’t realize what this means in the overall hit rate of acquiring a good image. I know what lurks behind the many shots that don’t work out! Very good work.

  7. Patrick,

    Your generous comments are truly appreciated. Your own photography & adventures are amazing to read about. I look forward to meeting you & traveling with you in the near future. Best wishes.

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