Vatnsnes PeninsulaPhotos, Pictures, Prints

View Vatnsnes Peninsula photos, license Vatnsnes Peninsula stock pictures, and buy stunning Vatnsnes Peninsula prints by award winning professional photographer Jon Cornforth. To license an image for editorial or commercial use, click on the License Image button and fill out the form. To purchase a fine art print, select your image size and presentation style before clicking on the Buy Print button.

Stones and Seals

Vatnsnes is a peninsula that juts into Húnaflói (Hunt Bay) in northern Iceland. The waters of Miðfjörður surround the peninsula on the west while Húnafjörður meets the peninsula on the east. This region is home to one of the largest seal colonies in Iceland. A stone hut lies at Ósar, on the eastern side of the peninsula, for seal watching.

Geological features in this area include Borgarvirki, a volcanic plug used as a fortress in the Sagas of Icelanders, as well as Hvítserkur, a 15 m high basalt rock formation near the eastern shore of the peninsula.

Explore with Cornforth Images.

  • Hvítserkur Sunrise 1

    Hvítserkur Sunrise 1

  • Hvítserkur Sunrise 2

    Hvítserkur Sunrise 2

  • Hvítserkur Sunset 1

    Hvítserkur Sunset 1

  • Hvítserkur Sunset 3

    Hvítserkur Sunset 3

  • Hvítserkur Sunset 4

    Hvítserkur Sunset 4