OahuPhotos, Pictures, Prints

View Oahu photos, license Oahu stock pictures, and buy stunning Oahu prints by award winning professional photographer Jon Cornforth. To license an image for editorial or commercial use, click on the License Image button and fill out the form. To purchase a fine art print, select your image size and presentation style before clicking on the Buy Print button.

The Gathering Place

Oahu (The Gathering Place) is the third largest of the Hawaiian Islands. Home to two-thirds of Hawaii’s population, this island contains the state capital as well as numerous popular landmarks and attractions. Jon visits regularly to shoot the vistas and wildlife seen throughout the island.

Two Volcanic Ranges, Waianae and Koolau, make up the island, with the central Oahu Plain between them. Ka’ala, in the Waianae Range, is the highest point on the island, with its peak rising to 4,003 feet above sea level.

Visitors to this island may be familiar with Kaena Point State Park, Diamond Head State Park, as well as the famous waterfront at Waikiki. This island boasts skyscrapers as well as surf beaches. Celebrities browse high-end shops while oceanographers from the University of Hawaii dive to the depths of the seas. This island encompasses the life and vibrancy of the Hawaii, the center of it all. Truly, it is the archipelago’s Gathering Place.

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    North Shore Twilight Shorebreak