Eastern SierrasPhotos, Pictures, Prints
View Eastern Sierras photos, license Eastern Sierras stock pictures, and buy stunning Eastern Sierras prints by award winning professional photographer Jon Cornforth. To license an image for editorial or commercial use, click on the License Image button and fill out the form. To purchase a fine art print, select your image size and presentation style before clicking on the Buy Print button.
Yosemite and Death Valley
The Eastern Sierra is a region in California comprising the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada. Due to it’s protected location, it’s landscape is dry, vast and open.
The main thoroughfare, U.S. Route 395, passes through the towns of Bridgeport, Lee Vining, Bishop, Big Pine, Independence, Lone Pine, and Olancha. Though sparsely populated, this region boasts spectacular scenery. These include bold rock formations and stretches of water reflecting a cloudless blue sky.
Major points of interest here include Mono Lake, Bodie, Mammoth Lakes, as well as parts of Yosemite and Death Valley National Parks.
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