Antelope Valley Poppy PreservePhotos, Pictures, Prints
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Bright Orange Blooms
Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve is a state reserve in California. The area is protected because it boasts the most spectacular blooms of California poppies in the world.
The reserve lies in the rural, west side of Antelope Valley, in northern Los Angeles County. Because it’s elevation ranges from 2,600 to 3,000 feet (790 to 910 m) above sea level, this reserve lies in the Mojave Desert climate zone. Other wildflowers within the reserve include the owl’s clover, lupine, goldfields, cream cups and coreopsis.
The flowers bloom in late winter to early spring, during the months of February through May. Timing dependents on the rainfall. Within the reserve, there are 7 miles (11 km) of trails, including a paved section for wheelchair access, which traverse the poppy fields.
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